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A Concise Guide to Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney


Every day across the country people are involved in traffic accidents. Traditionally when someone thinks of a traffic collision it is always believed to be between two drivers. But with the rise in popularity of cycling there is unfortunately the rise in accidents between bicyclists and motorists. This could be in part because most drivers are not prepared to be looking out for cyclists, especially in suburban areas. A bicycle is also significantly smaller than a car and therefore tougher to notice in rear view mirrors, especially if the driver is not paying close attention. The rise in cycling has also been met with hostility from certain drivers.


Any driver with a propensity for road rage does not need much of an excuse to get angry and lash out, and unfortunately many serious, even fatal injuries have occurred from a cyclist being on the receiving end of someone's anger. Further explained in the link at can also relate to any case you may currently have. The truly tragic reality of this is that when you are cycling, even if you are wearing a helmet, you have very little defense against automobiles. A cycling accident can result in permanent brain, spinal, or orthopedic damage. And not unlike any other traffic collision, if you are a cyclist who has suffered injury as the result of a reckless driver, you will need to file a claim.


Before any claims can be filed you will need to know as many of the driver's details as possible. This may be as little as their car's make and model and their license plate number. Unfortunately it is not uncommon for cyclists to experience hit and run scenarios, so you may have a difficult time pursuing information. If the collision was an accident then the driver will most likely stop and be willing to exchange information.


It is advisable for anyone who has just sustained an injury to seek medical help and visit my website immediately. A thorough medical examination will provide additional evidence for your claim and will ensure that you receive adequate compensation for any potential long term medical issues. Nothing is more tragic than sustaining permanent injuries and being unable to care for yourself.


At this point you will most likely already have a few bills, between any medical exams and bicycle repair needs. You should save all receipts, including those for transportation you would otherwise not have needed, as evidence for your claim. Another huge damage that many people overlook is being unable to work. If your job requires any type of manual labor that you are incapable of doing, or if you just simply cannot get to work, then your lost wages are a major factor in your damages. An easy way to account for this will be to collect your most recent pay stubs. Any assistance you get from a relative or close friend will also factor into your claim. That person's time is valuable, and your attorney can help you factor the cost of their time into your claim.


The aforementioned steps will help you get started on your claim. You will, of course, want to find a lawyer who has experience dealing with cases involving cyclists, as they will have more in-depth knowledge of the claim process. Fortunately, with the rise of popularity that cycling has seen there is also a rise in experienced cycling injury attorneys from this blog url. You will want to research local personal injury attorneys and find the one you feel most secure with. 

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